When a client comes to visit me for the first time, they usually have many questions about how Reiki works and what happens during a typical Reiki session. In this blog article I explain what Reiki is and cover most of the frequently asked questions from clients when they come to visit.
People are also fascinated by Distance Reiki and how it actually works! In this current climate, it has become more and more a part of my practice and is just as beneficial as being in the room with a client. Scroll down for more information on how Distance Reiki works!

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation which in turn promotes the body's ability to heal itself. It works in conjunction with all other medical and therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery but it is not intended to take the place of medical treatment or medication.
The literal meaning of Reiki is “Universal Life Force Energy”. It is based on the idea that we are all energy beings and that we have a life force energy that flows through us channelled through Chakras and meridians. By connecting with this energy, through Reiki, you can feel more relaxed, restored and rebalanced (hence the name of my biz!) in all areas of wellbeing!
What are Chakras and what do they have to do with Reiki?
Reiki is a form of energy healing and Chakras are the energy centres in our bodies. The word “Chakra” comes from the Sanskrit word “wheel”. There are 7 Chakras in our bodies and each Chakra represents a different part of the body. If the Chakras are flowing freely (the analogy of a wheel spinning) and are aligned, then we feel in balance and healthy. If they become blocked this can in turn manifest as a physical ailment or illness.
Everything we experience, feel, absorb, think, see etc affects our energy whether we realise it or not.
During a Reiki treatment a practitioner can work with the Chakras by using various hand positions to “unblock” or move energy through the body or direct energy to a specific Chakra area.
What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki is a holistic therapy which means that it treats the whole of your body focusing on overall wellbeing and mental health.
There are many benefits including:
Helping with sleep issues
Helping reduce anxiety
Helping to reduce stress
Improving overall mood
Helping to bring clarity and focus
Helping to boost your energy
Assisting with physical aches and pains
Improving overall wellbeing
Put your trust in Reiki and Reiki will never fail you! Nikita Dudani
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does a typical session last?
A typical Reki session will usually last between an hour and an hour and a half and most of this time will be spent with the client lying comfortably in a deeply relaxed state.
A first visit will involve a consultation to find out more about a client’s medical history and what other types of alternative treatments they may have experienced as well as talking about what they hope to achieve from their Reiki session.
Do I remain clothed during a session?
Yes - the client remains clothed, apart from shoes. Usually a client will lie under a sheet or blanket to keep warm.
What does Reiki healing feel like?
Clients usually feel a slight tingling or heat on the area of the body that a practitioner is working on. It has been described as feeling like a “hot water bottle” heat. Some clients will see images or colours. Sometimes nothing is felt at all. Each person will sense energy in a different way and a Reiki session will be a different experience for each person. In almost all cases, client’s feel deeply relaxed and most usually fall asleep!
Will the Reiki Practitioner's hands touch me?
Reiki is a gentle, non-invasive therapy, delivered with either hands on treatment or hands off. The practitioners hands do not need to be touching a client for them to receive the benefit. In fact Reiki can also be delivered distantly - more on this later!
Do I lie down or sit up during a treatment?
A Reiki treatment is usually given lying down on a massage table covered with a soft blanket - gentle music playing and candles, incense or a diffuser in the background to add to the relaxing atmosphere. If lying down is not possible then a session can be given seated in a chair.
How many sessions will I need?
This will very much depend on the client. One session is a great way to start. Usually a client will sense if they feel they need another session and I am always guided by that. I always say to people who have never had Reiki to give it a try because you will not have experienced anything like it!
Is there talking during a session?
I always make time to talk to a client before and after a Reiki session because this is such an important part of the process. Allowing a client to be able to talk about the reason why they have come is an important part of their healing journey.
The actual Reiki treatment itself is usually conducted without talking and with gentle music playing although if a client is too hot or too cold/uncomfortable in their position/experiencing a sensation they would like to discuss then they should speak up. The aim of a Reiki session is to enable a client to be as relaxed and as comfortable as possible and to come away with a positive experience of the treatment.
Distance Reiki

Distance Reiki is a technique within the system of Reiki that enables a practitioner to offer Reiki without the recipient being in the room. It is just as beneficial as a 1:1 treatment.
As part of Reiki level 2 training, practitioners learn and receive three symbols, one of which is the “distance symbol” which allows the practitioner to send Reiki energy across time and space.
What happens during a Distance Reiki treatment?
Every practitioner will conduct a Distance Reiki session in their own way. I always call a client before the session to talk through what to expect and to explain how it will work. Before a session I will meditate and set up a space using crystals and incense.
Sessions usually last for 30 minutes but can be up to one hour if a client would like a longer session and work in the same way as if the client was actually in the room. I connect to the client’s energy from my location and send Reiki to them. All that is required is for the client to be open and ready to receive Reiki in this way. In fact one of my clients said that they felt Reiki more powerfully via distance healing!
Intrigued? Why not get in touch and book a Reiki Treatment or Distance Reiki session.
You can also find out more about what people have said about Distant Reiki healing over on my instagram page @rebalance_with_reiki
